Monday, March 1, 2010

San Diego and Arizona

I am not sure where the time goes. It has been 5 days since my last blog entry and I have been on the road for two weeks now. The hotels are getting harder to stay in. Packing up my stuff along with Sabastians food and litter box every morning is getting tiresome. But I do love the freedom of not being tied to anything or anyone. The gypsy spirit is evident even through my desire to end the lonely stretch of hotel stays. I have been fortunate though, for the past 3 nights I have stayed with friends or relatives. Saturday was a special treat as I visited and spent the night with a friend from what seems another lifetime ago. We were very close 21 years ago before she moved from New Hampshire to Tuscon, Arizona. When Missy and her partner Carolyn opened the door to welcome me, it felt like the previous 21 years had been only 2. I believe there are souls out there that when they meet, they are bonded for good. I feel that way with Miss. Reconnecting and sharing memories was good medicine for my lonely soul. Thank you Missy and Carolyn for your hospitality and generosity. You are loved.

Sunday I arrived in Maricopa, Arizona to stay a few nights with my Sister-in-law Shelly and her husband Carl. Shelly is my brothers former wife, so I guess the in-law part is not legally accurate, but the sentiment is. They have welcomed me into their home for as long as I would like to stay. It felt wonderful this morning to know I was not going to have pack up and leave, that I could be lazy and take my time getting out of bed.

Yesterday I visited a few frame shops in Chandler and Tempe Arizona. But before I mention more about them, there are two other frame shops I visited last week that will no doubt be the highlight of this trip.

Last Thursday I visited grumbler John Baker (JRB) in San Diego. John posts regularly on the grumble and it is apparent he knows what he is talking about when it comes to framing, but I was often unable to understand his humor. Meaning I did not always know if his post was being humorous, or if he was just being a curmudgeon. Well, it only took about 3 minutes of being around John before I discovered his wickedly funny sense of humor. He told me, in a serious tone of voice, to be careful in his shop, as he was anal about neatness. It was visually obvious he was no curmudgeon!

John also has a soft spot for injured and homeless animals. The shop dog, Murph, was homeless and then rescued by John as was the shop pigeon. Yes, I said pigeon! John rescued an injured pigeon and gave her a home and an opportunity to get better. There is also a shop cat, Bucket, pictured above. John's little pet menagerie was fun and that alone was worth the stop, but there is more, much more. While John, Murph and myself went for a walk along the ocean cliff side, I told John of my plans to move back East and look for a job in framing. He then told me about how he started his framing business with nothing and made a successful shop with just the determination to not starve. It is amazing how the need for food can fuel a man to find people who want something framed. Canvasing neighborhoods with fliers without skipping the run down homes and talking to people is how he started. Johns first shop sign was written on plain brown craft paper. John wasn't just telling me "I did it, so can you". It was more than that. It was encouragement. According to John, all I need is a simple mat cutter and a vise for slip joints. Along with the desire to work hard and not be afraid to ask someone to pay $5 for a custom framing job just to eat a burger.

My visit with John will not be forgotten. I left his place with some new confidence and excitement for returning home and beginning a new chapter in framing. Weather or not I start a business out of the garage, as he suggested, will remain an unknown for now, but the important thing that came from this is the belief that I can do it, if I want to. Thanks John, for all the encouragement, ideas and the time you gave so freely.

As it turns out writing is therapeutic, but also very time consuming. I'll save my visit with Rob Markoff and the shops I visited yesterday for the next entry. Stay tuned..... one of the shops in Arizona actually had a great 2009!


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